Recruitment and Selection
Having the right people with the right skills, knowledge and behaviours to work in your business is fundamental to your success.
There is a saying that “people are your greatest asset” – do you agree? We disagree.
We like to say
“great people are your

To get great people you have to do better at recruiting them than your competitors. Have you noticed there is a shortage of talent out there? Look at the headlines about the shortage of nurses and they are not the only ones. The governments list of shortage occupations is growing each year and includes engineers, medical practitioners of all kinds, artists, musicians, graphic designers, managers in mining and energy, software professionals, teachers, welders, chefs and buyers to name but a few.
Not only must you attract your employees you must sustain their recruitment and selection experience to ensure they accept your offer of employment and stay for the duration. We can help you do just that.
Job Description
You need to know and document what the job is and what the successful candidate will do for you on a day to day basis
Pay Benchmarking
How do you know what the right level of pay for the job? We can establish the right pay range for you.
Candidate Assessment
Screening & short listing applications, structured interviewing with you, using tests of cognitive ability are good predictors of job performance and psychometric used correctly, psychometric tests allow us to assess individual differences like aptitude, ability, skills and personality.
Offer of Employment
There is a lot of paperwork associated with offering someone a job and we have contract of employment and more covered under Employment compliance
In real terms at this point all an applicant has done is demonstrate that they may have the skills and knowledge to do the job.
Assessment of actual performance is advisable and we can ensure you have the opportunity to do this and be sure you have the right person to join your team.