Employment Law Changes – April 2022:
With our tax year drawing to a close new employment legislation comes into force in April 2022. The National minimum wage increases from the 1st April 2022:
£8.91 to £9.50 for 23 and over (national living wage)
£8.36 to £9.18 for 21 & 22
£6.56 to £6.83 for 18-20
£4.62 to £4.81 for under 18
£4.30 to £4.81 for apprentices.
Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) will rise from £96.35 to £99.35. Statutory Redundancy Pay is calculated on weekly pay, length of service and age if employed for over 2 years.The Employment Rights (Increase of Limits) Order 2022 sets the new weekly limit to £571.
Statutory Family Friendly Payments relating to maternity, adoption, shared-parental and parental bereavement leave will increase from £151.97 to £156.66 on 3rd April 2022. The Lower Earnings Limit (LEL) will increase to £123.
Right to Work Checks:
If you have employees who are EEA biometric residence card holders (BRC) the right to work checking is changing from 6th April 2022 and you must carry out checks via the Home Office online service.
Its a year since the rule changes came in that put the responsibility for checking employment status of contractors and defining if IR35 applied onto the employer. Its good practice to annually review your workforce.
And Finally … Easter is here 15th-18th April – enjoy.